ATS – Tier 3: IEP Referral for Assessment

Tier 3 IEP Referral for Assessment


IEP teams utilize this to request an ASSESSMENT FOR HIGH TECH DEVICES / SUPPORTS  to address disability-related need(s) delineated in the student’s IEP.


A Tier 3 Assessment can be requested via an 2024-2025 Service Request Form 👈 in Step 2 (below) during or just following the referral IEP meeting.

NOTE: This should be done after implementing appropriate Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports

by requesting Student Support via Tier 3 within the AT Service Request form.

Step 1:

Prior to the AT Referral

Address student needs utilizing Tier 1 or Tier 2 supports


  • Please consider contacting the AT Itinerant Instructor assigned to your school to help provide guidance prior to proceeding to the Tier 3 IEP Referral for Assessment

Step 2:

Initiate the AT Referral via IEP Process

ANNUAL IEP or REVISION IEP is held to request AT Assessment

What are the required components of a Tier 3 Referral?
  1. Referral IEP held with required IEP components (see item below)
  2. AT Service Request for a Tier 3 IEP Referral for Assessment
  3. CCF-555 Parental Consent for Evaluation form
What are the required components of a referral IEP?
    • PRESENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE should outline the student’s current functioning, strengths, weaknesses, and needs in the area of concern (e.g., communication, writing, etc.)
    • CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL FACTORS question regarding Assistive Technology devices and services must be marked “YES” if the team is considering assessment.
    • RELATED SERVICES  – select Assistive Technology and indicate Assess (Beginning Date is date of the IEP; Ending Date is 45 school days in the future; Minutes: 0; Location: ‘distance learning’ or ’school campus’, as appropriate per school reopening plan).
    • Please ensure that there is a MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL for the area of the curriculum that the anticipated assistive technology is intended to support (e.g., If the device/service is anticipated to support written expression, the student needs to have a goal that addresses that deficit area); however, the requested supports are not included in the goal/benchmark at this time
    • Complete and lock referral IEP.
Why does the IEP team have to meet to request an assessment?

The IEP team is the body that determines the need for AT devices and services during an Annual or Revision IEP.

Where is the Tier 3 Referral Form located?

It is located in the AT Service Request above.


  • The Tier 3 Referral for AT Assessment Form is required to be completed by IEP Team during the referral IEP
    • The referral form can be accessed within the AT Service Request above (indicate the request is for Student Support via Tier 3)
    • Please ensure all required IEP components are completed prior to submitting the referral form
    • If the referral form is completed without a corresponding IEP that delineates Assistive Technology Assessment, an IEP will need to be held prior to the assessment being conducted
  • The referral IEP and referral form must be accompanied by a signed CCF-555 Parental Consent for Evaluation for “Assistive Technology Assessment” signed by the parent during the referral IEP

Tier 3 AT assessments are not able to be initiated until REQUIRED IEP COMPONENTS are completed

Step 3:

AT Assessment

Assessment will be conducted by AT staff in collaboration with IEP team members


  • An AT Assessment Report is compiled and submitted for review

Step 4:

AT Assessment Report is sent via email

Case Manager and SEIF receive AT Assessment Report via email


The following are sent from AT Staff to Case Manager and SEIF:

  • AT Assessment Report
  • IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan (last page of report)
  • AT Quick Reference Guide 2 – IEP Review of AT Report and Recommendations

Step 5:

Review IEP held

IEP is reconvened to review AT Report and Recommendations

Why does the IEP Team need to reconvene?

The IEP team is the deciding body that reviews the report and recommendations.  The summary of the report is included in Present Levels.  Recommendations, including devices and/or support(s), are incorporated into the IEP, typically in Consideration of Special Factors and Supplementary Aids & Services.  The team determines if they agree or disagree with the recommendations proposed and communicates that to AT Services via the IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan.

What is the IEP team process for reviewing the AT Report?
  • The IEP team incorporates the AT Report (see section below) into the student’s IEP
  • The IEP team reviews the Recommendations section of the AT Report
  • Parent receives a copy of the signed AT Report
  • CCF-508 Consent for Special Education Services is signed by parent for the current school year:
    • Select Other and indicate “Assistive Technology”
    • Appropriate verbiage includes: “Observation, guidance, and
      follow-up provided in the area of Assistive Technology”
    • This allows AT Staff to work directly with student in the area of AT
  • IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan is completed and submitted to AT Services to indicate:
    • that the IEP team has met and reviewed the report & recommendations
    • whether the team AGREES or DISAGREES with recommended supports
    • how the team plans to implement the recommended supports
What are the required components of the review IEP?
  • An IEP Revision/Annual must be held so the IEP team can review the AT Report and recommendations. 
    • Under Proposed Action(s): Select Review/Revision or Annual, as appropriate, AND select OTHER: “Review Assistive Technology Assessment Report and recommendations”.
    • Add the Assessment Method indicated in the AT Assessment Report into the ASSESSMENTS CONDUCTED section.
    • Include the Summary information from the AT Assessment Report into the ASSESSMENT RESULTS section and add any other current functioning to present levels that the team members deem appropriate.
    • Recommendations are not to be included in this portion; however at this time the team should review the Recommendations indicated in the AT Assessment Report.
    • Check ‘yes’ if recommendations for AT support were made or will continue.
    • Ensure “Assistive Technology – A (Assessment)” is removed as the assessment has been completed.
    • Include the recommended devices/support in general terms (e.g., picture exchange/supports, dynamic display or speech generating device, name specific tools to support written expression etc.)

NOTE: If the IEP team does not reconvene, there has not been a consensus by required team members to either accept or reject recommendations; therefore, the AT devices/services cannot be provided or implemented

Step 6:

Response and Implementation Plan

Team Submits IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan

  • This document is the last page of the AT Assessment Report that was sent to the case manager and SEIF via email


  • IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan is completed AFTER the IEP Review to indicate:
    • that the IEP team has met and reviewed the report & recommendations
    • whether the team AGREES or DISAGREES with recommended supports
    • how the team plans to implement the recommended supports


  • Please return the Response and Implementation Plan to AT Services:
    • SCAN/EMAIL to
    • or FAX to 702-855-8448

Step 7:

Device / Supports issued

AT Staff will contact the Case Manager to set up/arrange for device/support delivery

Why hasn't the student received the AT device/support yet?


  • The IEP review has not been held




  • The IEP Team Response and Implementation Plan was not completed and returned to Assistive Technology Services
    • This document is the last page of the AT Assessment Report that was sent to the case manager and SEIF via email or a blank document is available via the link above
    • This needs to be completed AFTER the IEP review and either:
      • SCAN/EMAIL to
      • or FAX to 702-855-8448
Whom should the team contact with questions?

Please contact the AT Itinerant Instructor assigned to your school or call Assistive Technology Services at 702-855-8440.