CCSD Medicaid School Health Services

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are School Health Services?

School Health Services are medical services provided through a child’s local school district that are designed to meet the health needs (both medical and emotional) of a child.


Clark County School District (CCSD) provides school health services to children at no cost to parents/legal guardians. Services include those indicated in a plan of care, as well as screenings and crisis intervention. Federal Medicaid funds are available to school districts to help recover the costs of providing these necessary services. To access these funds, CCSD participates in the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) Medicaid School Health Services program. Resources in English and Spanish, explaining the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services program, can be found at Parent/Legal Guardian Medicaid School Health Services Resources.


School districts may seek reimbursement for eligible services, such as speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy, nursing services, mental health services, personal care services, applied behavior analysis, and originating teletherapy services. In order to request reimbursement, CCSD must disclose information to the DHCFP regarding medically necessary services prescribed in a student’s plan of care for which reimbursement is sought. The information that must be disclosed includes the student’s name, date of birth, and information regarding the service provided, such as the date, type, and duration of service. CCSD must obtain written consent prior to disclosing students’ health information to the DHCFP.


The Medicaid School Health Services program does not impact a family’s Medicaid services, funds, or limits in any way.  Please see Nevada Medicaid Web Announcement 3193 for additional information.

What is Medical Necessity?

Nevada’s Medicaid Services Manual defines medical necessity as “a health care service or product that is provided for under the Medicaid State Plan and is necessary and consistent with generally accepted professional standards to: diagnose, treat or prevent illness or disease; regain functional capacity; or reduce or ameliorate effects of an illness, injury or disability.” The determination of medical necessity is made on the basis of the individual case and takes multiple factors into account.

Is there a cost to me?

No. Services are provided to students while they are at school at no cost to the parent/legal guardian.

Will providing consent impact my family’s Medicaid benefits?

No. The CCSD Medicaid School Health Services program does not impact a family’s Medicaid services, funds, or limits in any way.  Please see Nevada Medicaid Web Announcement 3193 for additional information.

What types of services does the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services program cover?
    • Applied behavior analysis
    • Behavioral and mental health services
    • Crisis interventions
    • Developmental testing/screenings
    • Evaluations
    • Nursing services
    • Occupational therapy
    • Personal care
    • Physical therapy
    • Speech-language assessment and therapy


Please note that these services, except for crisis interventions and developmental screenings, require a separate signed consent for services unrelated to the Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement.

Are there any details I should understand about Medicaid School Health Services?

Yes. CCSD may not do the following:

  • Require parents/legal guardians to sign-up for or enroll in any public benefit or insurance program
  • Require parents/legal guardians to pay any out-of-pocket expenses such as a deductible or copayment for the costs of school health services CCSD provides, or
  • Use student’s Medicaid or other public benefits if that use would:
    • Decrease available lifetime coverage or any other insured benefit,
    • Result in families paying for services that would otherwise be covered by Medicaid or other public insurance programs and that are required for children outside of the time that they are in school,
    • Increase insurance premiums or lead to the discontinuation of any public benefits or insurance, or
    • Risk the loss of eligibility for home and community-based waivers, based on combined health-related costs
    • CCSD will never seek reimbursement from Medicaid if a student receives services in the Katie Beckett Aid Category or via a Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions. These programs provide services outside of Medicaid to schools, so to respect their unique guidance around service limitations and/or billing parameters, CCSD will never submit claims for these students to Medicaid for reimbursement.
      • The Katie Beckett Aid Category provides assistance for children who qualify for institutional care but instead live at home.
      • A Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions provides home and community-based services to allow recipients to remain in the community rather than in an institution.
What guidelines does CCSD have to follow to receive reimbursement from Medicaid?
    • The student must be under 21 years old.
    • The services must be medically necessary.
    • The services must be included in the student’s plan of care with the exception of preventative care and crisis interventions.
    • The student must be Medicaid-eligible.
    • The services must be provided by a properly credentialed professional.
    • The school district must be registered as a Medicaid provider.
    • The school district must follow state guidance as to how claims are to be submitted for reimbursement.
How can I help assure my school district receives benefits from the Medicaid School Health Services Program?

Clark County School District has been participating in the Nevada Medicaid School Health Services program since 1996. The state has expanded School Health Services to include more reimbursable services. You can help by:

    • Being fully informed about the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services program,
    • Providing written Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement to bill Medicaid for services provided to your child by the school district,
    • Providing written consent to treat and provide intervention and support services to your child within the school day, and
    • Fully understanding that consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time.
What is the Medicaid School Health Services annual notification and Parental Consent?
Medicaid Annual Notification

The annual notification regarding CCSD’s Medicaid School Health Services program is used to inform parents/legal guardians about the program, what information is shared, and that they have the right to withdraw their consent to disclose their child’s personally identifiable information to Nevada’s Medicaid agency and its affiliates at any time. It is available at


Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement

The CCSD Medicaid School Health Services program’s one-time parental consent form is to be signed by parents/legal guardians. This voluntary, one-time consent requires a parent or legal guardian to provide written consent to release information about their child to Nevada’s Medicaid agency and its affiliates. The information that must be disclosed includes student’s name, date of birth, and information regarding the service provided, such as the date, type, and duration of service. Whether or not consent is given, or if consent is withdrawn, CCSD will continue to provide services to our students at no cost to parents/legal guardians.


Medicaid One-Time Parental Consent Form

The Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement consent form is located in Campus Parent.


Please refer to the following guidance document:  Completing Consent for Release of Information for Medicaid in Campus Parent.pdf


If you need information or assistance with the Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement form, please contact the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services Helpdesk at (702) 799-2899 or email

CCSD Medicaid School Health Services:


Community Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Employee Information

Medicaid School Health Services Helpdesk

Call: (702) 799-2899


Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Contact Us via CCSD Let’s Talk

Parent/Legal Guardian CCSD Resources


  • Clark County School District and Hazel Health
    • CCSD students can get high-quality telehealth care at no cost to families. Students can get virtual medical care or teletherapy at school or at home on any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Parent/Legal Guardian Community Resources