Employee Health Services

If injured at work:


  1. Inform your supervisor
  2. Complete a C1 form
  3. Visit the Risk Management website
  4. For further information, contact the Workers Compensation Unit at (702) 799-0060.
  5. Map

Contact Information

Dr. Beth Howe Center

3626 Pecos McLeod Interconnect

Las Vegas, NV 89121

Jennifer Budzinski, RN

Employee Occupational Health Strategy Director

Office (702) 799-2702

Fax (702) 799-8671

Department Overview

The Employee Health Services oversees employee health within the Clark County School District.

The Employee Health Department was established in 2021 with the initial purpose of helping CCSD reopen schools for face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring mitigation strategies were in place to keep staff safe and healthy.


The Employee Health Department will continue to focus on the health promotion of CCSD staff by:

  • Collaborating with the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) in ongoing preparations and response to any infectious or contagious disease outbreak.
  • The Mobile Medical Clinic acquired for outbreak testing during COVID-19 is being repurposed to respond to any large scale emergency, as well as offer pop-up vaccination clinics.
  • Offering staff wellness projects in the areas of mental health, health promotion, and smoking cessation are in development.
Mental Health Resources
Employee Health and Fitness
Immediate Care Resources
CCSD Employee Assistance Program - EAP


The EAP provides all CCSD employees and family members with appropriate assistance to help manage personal and work-life challenges.


CCSD Employee Assistance Program Benefits Highlights

CCSD The Life Connection - TLC


TLC services were developed to help you balance the demands of home and work. All of the services directly provided by TLC are free of charge to you and your household members. TLC services are available to all eligible employees and anyone who lives in their household.


CCSD The Life Connection (TLC) Benefits

SNHD Voluntary TB Screening


Southern NV Health District recommends that school staff working with children screen for risk of latent and infectious tuberculosis.  

For more information you may call the CCSD Employee Health Department at 702-799-2702 or SNHD at 702-759-1015.


SNHD – Think TB Information

SNHD TB – Risk Assessment