Student Education Management Systems

Contact Information

Student Education Mgt. Systems
4260 Eucalyptus Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89121

Sherron Dickenson, Coordinator

SEMS Helpdesk (702) 799-0295
Office (702) 799-5385

Fax (702) 799-0202

Department Overview

Student Education Management Systems administers special education data systems for Individualized Education Programs, strategically conducts professional development, data collection, analysis, and reporting, provides guidance, and administers the District’s Medicaid fee-for-service program.

  • Supports IEP & Medicaid compliance with federal/state/local regulations.
  • Conducts professional development for teachers and administrators.
  • Provides stakeholders actionable data to support data-driven decisions.
  • Analyze processes & data to improve efficiencies and customer service.
  • Maximizes Medicaid revenue while securing program solvency.