Region 3

Bo Walker – Director

Phone: 702-799-2003

Loc. CodeSchoolSPED Coordinator
272Adams, Kirk L. ESDoug Zallar
547Bailey, Dr. William (Bob) H. MSAngela Lee
359Bailey, Sister Robert Joseph ESDeb Dondero
783Barber, Shirley A. ESMila Coffman
904Bartlett, Selma F. ESGene Dockins
951Basic Academy of International StudiesDeb Dondero
201Bass, John C. ESMila Coffman
460Beatty, John R. ESNancy Lewis
900Bennett, William G. ESMila Coffman
941Boulder City HSAngela Lee
322Bracken, Walter ESNancy Lewis
302Brookman, Eileen B. ESAngela Lee
934Brown, B. Mahlon JHSDeb Dondero
786Brown, Hannah Marie ESDoug Zallar
Burk Horizon - Cowan Sunset - Eagle Quest HomeAngela Lee
931Burkholder, Lyal AcademyDeb Dondero
239Cambeiro, Arturo ESGene Dockins
248Cartwright, Roberta C. ESMila Coffman
701Central Technical Training AcademyMila Coffman
Child HavenMila Coffman
Clark County Detention CtrGene Dockins
College of So. NV East,West,SouthDoug Zallar
573Coronado HSDoug Zallar
254Cortez, Manuel J. ESNancy Lewis
540Cortney, Francis H. JHSDeb Dondero
902Cox, David M. ESGene Dockins
560Cunningham, Cynthia ESDeb Dondero
562Desert Pines HSNancy Lewis
Desert RoseNancy Lewis
Desert Rose AdultNancy Lewis
442Diaz, Ruben P. ESNancy Lewis
929Dooley, John A. ESDeb Dondero
409East Career and Technical AcademyAngela Lee
320Edwards, Elbert B. ESGene Dockins
352Eldorado HSGene Dockins
775Ellis, Robert and Sandy ESMila Coffman
Explore Knowledge AcademyMila Coffman
Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center AdultNancy Lewis
572Foothill HSDoug Zallar
925Galloway, Fay ESDoug Zallar
933Garrett, Elton M. and Madelaine E. JHSAngela Lee
306Gehring, Roger D. ES Academy of Science and TechnologyNancy Lewis
422Gibson, James I. ESGene Dockins
Global HSGene Dockins
237Goldfarb, Daniel ESDeb Dondero
224Gragson, Oran K. ESGene Dockins
945Green Valley HSAngela Lee
937Greenspun, Barbara and Hank JHSGene Dockins
307Harney, Kathleen and Tim MSDeb Dondero
752Heard, Lomie G. ESNancy Lewis
312Herron, Fay ESAngela Lee
213Hewetson, Halle ESMila Coffman
406Hickey, Liliam Lujan ESAngela Lee
High Desert State Prison AdultDeb Dondero
High Desert State Prison Youthful Offender ProgramDeb Dondero
463Hill, Charlotte ESNancy Lewis
910Hinman, Edna F. ESDoug Zallar
342Hummel, John R. ESMila Coffman
303Iverson, Mervin R. ESDeb Dondero
Jean Conservation Camp AdultDeb Dondero
794Jenkins, Earl N. ESDeb Dondero
Juvenile Detention 3-5Gene Dockins
Juvenile Detention 6-12Gene Dockins
658Keller, Charlotte and Jerry ESDoug Zallar
243Keller, Duane D. MSDoug Zallar
543Kesterson, Lorna J. ESDoug Zallar
901King, Martha P. ESAngela Lee
256Lamping, Frank ESMila Coffman
251Las Vegas HSDeb Dondero
936Laughlin JHS/HSMila Coffman
565Liberty HSMila Coffman
428Mack, Nate ESGene Dockins
401Mannion, Jack and Terry MSDoug Zallar
232Martin, Roy W. MSMila Coffman
911McCaw, Gordon ESDoug Zallar
927McDoniel, Estes M. ESGene Dockins
225Mendoza, John F. ESDoug Zallar
269Miller, Bob MSMila Coffman
304Miller, Sandy Searles ES Academy for International StudiesNancy Lewis
MissionGene Dockins
913Mitchell, Andrew ESAngela Lee
276Monaco, Mario C. and JoAnne MSNancy Lewis
258Moore, William K. ESGene Dockins
Morris Sunset EastDoug Zallar
249Morrow, Sue H. ESDeb Dondero
217Mountain View ESNancy Lewis
Nevada Learning Academy at CCSDNancy Lewis
947Newton, Ulis ESDoug Zallar
335O'Callaghan, Mike MS i3 Learn AcademyAngela Lee
351Rancho HSGene Dockins
919Reid, Harry ESAngela Lee
234Roberts, Aggie ESNancy Lewis
334Robison, Dell H. MSAngela Lee
326Ronnow, C. C. ESNancy Lewis
221Rundle, Richard J. ESDoug Zallar
277Schofield, Jack Lund MSNancy Lewis
356Schorr, Steve ESMila Coffman
922Sewell, C. T. ESDeb Dondero
940Silverado HSNancy Lewis
536Silvestri, Charles A. JHSAngela Lee
379Smalley, James E. and A. Rae ESDoug Zallar
331Smith, J. D. MSGene Dockins
870Southeast Career and Technical AcademyAngela Lee
311Squires, C. P. ESGene Dockins
St. JudesAngela Lee
313Stanford ESGene Dockins
751Stevens, Josh ESDeb Dondero
219Sunrise Acres ESMila Coffman
446Sunrise Mountain HSAngela Lee
328Tate, Myrtle ESAngela Lee
393Taylor, Glen C. ESAngela Lee
918Taylor, Robert L. ESDeb Dondero
921Treem, Harriet A. ESDeb Dondero
281Twitchell, Neil C. ESGene Dockins
238Vanderburg, John C.Gene Dockins
333Von Tobel, Ed MSAngela Lee
285Walker, J. Marlan International School ESDoug Zallar
483Wallin, Shirley and Bill ESMila Coffman
300Webb, Del E. MSAngela Lee
228Wengert, Cyril ESDoug Zallar
938White, Thurman Academy of the Performing Arts MSNancy Lewis
924Whitney ESDeb Dondero
373Wiener, Jr., Louis ESNancy Lewis
321Williams, Tom ESGene Dockins
202Wolff, Elise L. ESMila Coffman



Area Service Center at SECTA

5708 S. Mountain Vista Street

Las Vegas, NV 89120