Student Education Management Systems

Known Issues


  • Editors may populate with a status of “NOT STARTED.” When this occurs, open each editor to verify the information from the previously locked IEP cloned over.
    • If the information has been cloned over, open each editor and select “Complete” for each editor. 
    • If any editors are blank, delete the plan and create a new one.
  • The field previously named “Revision to IEP Dated” has been renamed to “Revision Date”. Continue to use this field to indicate the date of the IEP being revised.
  • If you change the minutes on SDI, Related Services, or Supplementary Aids and Services editors, update each start date in the amended editor to reflect the amendment’s start date.


Exit IEP

When completing an Exit IEP, all editors that do not need to be completed in an exit can be marked “complete” even if they are blank, with the exception of the following editors:

  • Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences
  • Special Factors
  • Transition / Transition Services (if applicable)
  • Method for Reporting Progress
  • Extended School Year Services

Complete these editors as appropriate for the student within the exit IEP.


Data Plan – Used only for In-State and Out-of-State Transfer Students

When completing a Data Plan, the following editors need to be refreshed where applicable, filled out, and marked as “complete” to enter special education data elements into Infinite Campus: 

  • Education Plan – To avoid a system error, ensure that this editor is filled out and saved prior to entering data into additional editors
  • Student Information
  • Parent/Guardian Information
  • Placement – Create a new placement and ensure the dates are correct.  NOTE: Complete ONLY the required fields (Federal Placement Code Age Group and Federal Placement Code)
  • Enrollment Information – Refresh the editor and select the current Primary Disability, Secondary Disability (if applicable), and Special Ed Status


When completing the Data Plan, the following editors should not be filled out, but will need to be marked as “complete”:  

  • Meeting Participants 
  • Transition Services – mark as “not needed”
  • Specially Designed Instruction 
  • Supplementary Aids and Services 
  • Related Services 
  • Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments 
  • Medicaid Consent – mark as “not needed”


Transition Services editor

The Transition Services editor is displaying as required regardless of the student’s age. Please indicate “Not applicable” or “Not needed” in the required fields for students under the age of 16.


Another User in the Editor Error Message

An error message indicating the editor is being modified by another user populated after the user was no longer in that editor. A “lock” icon will appear on the left side of the editor toolbar that will tell the user who is also in the editor. 

  • Ensure that the previous user has exited the editor by selecting the “Save” option (not “Save & Stay”).
  • If the previous user is logged out of Infinite Campus, but the editor continues to indicate a “lock” icon, have the previous user log back into Infinite Camps, navigate to the same editor, and select the “Save” option.


Headings overlapping on printed documents

The headings overlapping on printed documents issue has been reported to the vendor and there is no estimated date for correction.  As long as it is not impacting content, but rather the headings, no further action is required.


Duplicate Plans Created when Save options are rapid-clicked

When creating a new plan of any kind (Evaluation, IEP, or Service Plan) in Infinite Campus, if the user completes the Education Plan or Eligibility Header editor and rapid-clicks any “Save” option, multiple plans will be generated depending on the number of clicks.  It is critical that users select a “Save” option only once and wait until the green “Saved” banner appears before moving on.  If multiple plans are created, users must delete the additional plans prior to completing the rest of the editors.  This issue will be resolved as part of the IC update on August 19, 2024.

Uploading Forms

The following special characters are no longer allowed in the file name when uploading a document: colon (:), slash (/), period (.), comma (,), brackets ([]), curly brackets ({}), exclamation mark (!), quote (“), asterisk (*), question mark (?), greater than/less than (<>), pound (#), plus (+), ampersand (&), percent (%), pipe (|), carriage return, line feed, and tab.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact our SEMS Help Desk at 799-0295 or 0099-0295 on the WAN.