Student Education Management Systems

SEMS Helpdesk

(702) 799-0295


3626 Pecos-McLeod Interconnect
Las Vegas, NV 89121

Sherron Dickenson, Director II

SEMS Helpdesk (702) 799-0295

Office (702) 799-5385

Fax (702) 799-0202

Nevada Special Ed Documents New Look in Infinite Campus


Please select this video link for a brief overview of the new functionality.


The Nevada IEP, Data Plan, Service Plan, and Evaluation documents have been completely rewritten with the New Look of Infinite Campus. The new print formats for these documents are NV IEP 2023, NV IEP Data Plan 2023, Service Plan 2023, and NV Determination of Eligibility. The new documents include functionality changes and system issues.  A complete list of these changes can be found on our New Functionality and/or our Known Issues pages.

Mission Statement  –  The Student Education Management Systems develops and implements business-critical districtwide student data management systems to provide focused and actionable data that supports instruction and compliance with federal and state regulations, and additionally maximizes Medicaid revenue while safeguarding program compliance to secure program solvency in an efficient, effective manner with a high level of customer satisfaction. 

Quick Links

SEMS Helpdesk

Questions? Please call the SEMS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-0295 or (702) 799-0295, or feel free to email us via Gmail at We look forward to assisting you.

The SEMS Helpdesk is open from 7:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Monday–Friday and is closed for staff meetings every Friday from 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.

Medicaid School Health Services (SHS)

The Medicaid School Health Services office is available to assist you with all your Medicaid consent and EasyTrac™ needs.  For questions,  please call the Medicaid SHS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-2899 or (702) 799-2899, or feel free to email us via Gmail at For additional information please visit the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services website.  We look forward to assisting you.

The Medicaid SHS Helpdesk is open from 7:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Monday–Friday and is closed for staff meetings every Friday from 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.

Technical Difficulties

If you are having any technical difficulties, please see our Known Issues page. Still have questions? Please contact the SEMS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-0295 or (702) 799-0295 or feel free to email your question via Gmail at

EasyTrac Access

Related Service Providers:  EasyTrac Access Request form


To request EasyTrac access, save the completed form and forward to the site/department administrator to be submitted via CCSD Gmail to the Medicaid School Health Services Helpdesk at: