Below find a list of SEMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you cannot find the answer to your question, you may also try the following:
Please note, SEMS does not answer CCSD Best Practice questions. For questions related to IDEA, NAC, or CCSD Best Practices, please contact your region support team.
The following forms are associated in Infinite Campus: Testing Accommodations, Consent for Special Education Supports, Medicaid Consent, Release of Information, and Behavior Plans. For a complete list, see the Stapling and Associating Forms Quick Reference. Pathway: > Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Quick References.
The New Look now allows end-users to access custom tools, such as CCSD Custom Reports and CCSD Error Check Reports. This new Infinite Campus experience contains all of the same tools as the old look of Infinite Campus, but includes several improvements. Select the New Look Toggle to switch between the classic and new looks.
Here are some additional resources to help get you started.
Try the New Look of Infinite Campus Article
Summary Video (Enable, Navigate, Search, Feedback)
New Look CCSD Custom Tool Pathways Workbook
Please call the SEMS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-0295 or (702) 799-0295, or feel free to email SEMS Helpdesk via Gmail at for technical support. For any other Section 504-related questions, please contact the Office of Compliance and Monitoring at (702) 799-1020.
This error may occur due to the following reasons:
When refreshing the Student Demographics and Parent/Guardian Information in an amendment, enter amendment reason, save, select refresh, and then save again.
No, you do not need to delete the document. To change the name of an uploaded document, highlight the document to be renamed. Open by selecting open or double clicking. In the “Name” field, type in the new name using the naming convention quick reference guide. Pathway: > Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Quick References > Naming Convention.
Use the placement LRE code the student will be in on Oct 1.
Possible reasons may include:
The new Eligibility date will not roll over if the IEP event was created prior to the determination of the Eligibility event. The new evaluation date will need to be manually corrected on the IEP.
For users with access to multiple schools, ensure the student’s current school location and the appropriate year are selected from the dropdown menus in the tool bar at the top of the page.
Select CCSD Programs in the “School” dropdown menu.
A future-dated event cannot be amended. Administrative approval is needed to unlock this event to make corrections. Please contact your region coordinator.
Caseloads are assigned via the Team Member tab. To remove a student, find your name in bold in the Team Member tab and add an end date and select save.
Ensure you have the student’s school chosen. If you are a related services provider, you will need to have CCSD Programs selected from the school dropdown menu. If your name still does not appear, please call the SEMS Helpdesk (702) 799-0295.
Case managers should enter an end date on the Case Manager tab once a student is no longer on their caseload. If you no longer have access to the student, please request your school SEIF enter an end date or call the SEMS Helpdesk.
The following special characters are no longer allowed in the file name when uploading a document: colon (:), slash (/), period (.), comma (,), brackets ([]), curly brackets ({}), exclamation mark (!), quote (“), asterisk (*), question mark (?), greater than/less than (<>), pound (#), plus (+), ampersand (&), percent (%), pipe (|), carriage return, line feed, and tab.
Yes, as of 4/28/2022, progress reports must be locked prior to printing and sending to the parent/guardian and filing a copy in the confidential folder. Case managers are responsible for coordinating with related service staff to ensure all goals have progress reported prior to locking. Locking should occur no later than the end of report card distribution day. Progress report timelines not aligned with report cards should be locked prior to sending them to parents/guardians and filing a copy in the confidential folder. Please see the Infinite Campus Quick Reference – Creating Progress Reports for more information.
The previous exit date and reason must be removed from the Enrollment tab prior to locking the new IEP. If this is not done, please call the SEMS Helpdesk for assistance.